Thanks to everyone who came out to the gig on Tuesday and special thanks to Pat Gerity for filming the entire set (posted below). We are almost done writing for an upcoming split with Pharaoh, keep a lookout for that. Also, our EP WARGRINDHELL is coming within the next month and expect shirts along with it. In November we've got Fri Nov5 in Philly with Chainsaw to the Face (ask for address) and Fri Nov12 at Warren American Legion with Swashbuckle. Also, check back for Wintour dates!
In other news, I am extremely excited that Revenge has announced a new full-length scheduled for next Spring on NWN.
Dethroned Emperor @ The Aquarium 10/26/10 from Patrick Gerity on Vimeo.
Update: Nov 5 in Philadelphia has been canceled. Next scheduled date is Nov 12 at Warren American Legion in Warren NJ with Swashbuckle and more tba.